Tag: vCenter
One of my favorite tools – Remote Desktop Manager by Devolutions
Ben Liebowitz
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One of the tools I’ve been using for many years now is called Remote Desktop Manager by Devolutions. Based on the name, you’d think it’s just another RDP tool, but it’s much MUCH more! There are 2 versions of the product. There is a FREE version, which gives you limited functionality, and an ENTERPRISE version for full functionality. There is…
Adding a PowerShell Windows Update Script to my VMware Customizations
Ben Liebowitz
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In my environments, we typically convert the templates to Virtual Machines once a quarter so we can install Windows Updates. This means, there could be a number of patches to install if you’re 2+ months out from the last time they were updated. So I decided to use a PowerShell script that my coworker wrote to do Windows Updates and…
My Experience Upgrading vCenter to 5.5 Update 3b
Ben Liebowitz
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I recently upgraded my vCenter from 5.5 Update 2, to 5.5 Update 3b. As this is a fairly straightforward process, I didn’t expect anything to go wrong. I proceeded through all the main components and once completed, attempted to connect to vCenter… I found I couldn’t connect. Further investigation found that the service would not start! Attempting to start the…
Patching VMware ESXi Hosts via PowerCLI!
Ben Liebowitz
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*** Updated 5/17/2017 – See below *** This year, I’m trying something new… Anything that I have to do more than 2-3 times, I’m going to attempt to automate it! In keeping with this mantra, I recently had a task come across my plate to patch the 20+ ESXi Hosts in one of my production environments. Along with installing the…
Display list of Multiple vCenter Servers to connect to in your PowerCLI Scripts
Ben Liebowitz
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If you’re company anything like mine, you probably have multiple vCenter servers in your environment. They may be linked, they may not. In my environment, we have 4 vCenter servers we consider Production, even though one is for QA, and we have a lab environment. Normally, I just connect to vCenter manually in PowerCLI before I run a command/script to…
Migrating Roles & Privileges from an old vCenter to a new vCenter using PowerCLI
Ben Liebowitz
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So we’re finally upgrading an old environment running vCenter 4.0 to a new vCenter running 5.5. Instead of attempting an upgrade, we’re building new. As it’s a new build, we had to find a way to migrate the roles & privileges to the new vCenter. I have done this in the past utilizing the “Cheap Disaster Recovery” scripts from Gabe’s…
You should backup your VDS Configs with PowerCLI
Ben Liebowitz
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So, another vExpert that I follow on twitter (@h0bbel) recently had an issue in his home lab where he cut power to his lab, and his vDS lost all the portgroup names. Seeing this post made me think, “I should probably backup MY vDS configs too, as my backups were pretty old! Here are some PowerCLI commands that I found…
PowerCLI Script to change the DRS Slider
Ben Liebowitz
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So, I have a cluster of hosts that makes up our QA Environment. As with most QA environments, it’s tight on resources and very over-subscribed. On a regular basis, I have to move our DRS Slider to be more aggressive, RUN DRS to refresh recommendations, and then move the slider back. This allows DRS to rebalance the cluster. Today, I…
PowerCLI Script to migrate VMs from one vCenter to another
Ben Liebowitz
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Hey everyone, this is another guest post from Ben Liebowitz, Matt’s brother. Before I get into the script, I’ll give you some background… We are working on migrating VMs off of our vSphere 4.1 environment to our new vSphere 5.5 environment. The 4.1 environment is using the Nexus 1000v Virtual Switch while the 5.5 environment is using a vDS switch.…
Deploying a VM with PowerCLI in a Semi-Complex Environment
Ben Liebowitz
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The following is a guest blog post by my brother Ben Liebowitz. I guess virtualization runs in the family! Follow him on Twitter at @ben_liebowitz. ———————————————————————— Last year, while working at a previous employer, I wanted to make it easier for less-experienced team members to deploy VMs, while making sure little to no mistakes are made. I decided to go…