Tag: Active Backup for Business
Synology Active Backup for Business Job Failure
Ben Liebowitz
- 0
- 722
As you may have read previously here, I am testing out a Synology NAS DS923+. I put the evaluation to the side for a while to work on my VMware Explore presentations, but now that Explore is over, I’m getting back to the Synology! If you read my previous Synology post, you’d see how I setup Active Backup for Business…
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Synology: The Power of Active Backup for Business!
Ben Liebowitz
- 1
- 781
A huge selling point for Synology storage is Active Backup for Business. This FREE backup & recovery tool is very versatile! And did you see that I said it was FREE?! Lets install it on my new DS923+ and point it at my homelab! If you’re interested in learning more about Synology solutions, check out the link below: https://sy.to/xtntr Login…
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