Tag: Test-PendingReboot
Using vSphere Tags to Check for Pending Reboot State
Ben Liebowitz
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- 3272
You may have seen my blog post on the Test-PendingReboot PowerShell module. I’ve been using it a lot lately and had the thought to use vSphere Tags to check pending reboot state. In my environment, we normally check for pending reboot states before patching. If a server is in a pending reboot state, it won’t receive the patches from SCCM,…
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The Pending Reboot Nightmare… PowerShell to the Rescue!
Ben Liebowitz
- 5
- 5025
My company has been having issues dealing with servers in a pending reboot state for quite a while. Part of it stems from using SCCM to deploy patches and having the patch deployment set to suppress the reboot and our Operations Team reboots the servers manually. Well, some months require multiple reboots and we get stuck in the rabbit hole…
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